R5 Imaging
R5 Imaging
R5 Imaging
R5 Imaging
R5 Imaging

R5 Creative Work

Bradenton Riverview 6 Public Art LED Sculpture

Bradenton Florida, Riverview6 Apartments – Mosaic background, tile dolphins, powder coated aluminum elements, LED’s behind the manta-rays and manatees.
Place holder for now, full post coming soon.

REON Headquarters Lobby Mural

This mural was created for the headquarters of REON company in Laurel Maryland.
REON is a Native American owned company that works with electrical and conduit contracts with the government and private sectors. This mural is inspired by Alaska and the sun rays are inspired by conduit lines, the eagle features sections of gold leaf including the wings and eye.

Gaze Within & Question Yourself Matching Paintings

Gaze Within
Gouache & Gold Leaf on paper

Part of the Future Ancestors solo show

Question Yourself
Gouache & Gold Leaf on paper

Part of the Future Ancestors solo show

Future Ancestor 1 Painting

Future Ancestor #1
Painting currently on exhibit at the Arts Annual gallery show @creativepinellas.
The exhibit is on display until December 31.

This is one of the artworks I’ve created recently using form and shape as a visual vocabulary and language, which I then translate into the subject matter and themes of the artworks.

Gouache, gold leaf, and Metallica on canvas

MSRC Vessel & Barge Illustrations

Set of Illustrations created for Marine Spill Response Corporation of their 47 foot vessel, 65 foot vessel and 400 foot barge.

Art Deco Mural Private Residence Snell Isle Florida

Art Deco inspired mural at a private residence in Snell Isle Florida.
This mural was fun and challenging to achieve, between the extreme heats and the application of gold leaf on a textured wall.

Storm Drain Painting – Robles Park Tampa Florida

The City of Tampa partnered with Keep Tampa Bay Beautiful to invite a dozen local artists to create works of art on storm drain concrete tops at Robles Park in Tampa.

The artists’ designs will focused on the “Only Rain Down the Drain” educational campaign educating citizens on why they should not dump pollutants down the drain. 
According to the Environmental Protection Agency, stormwater runoff is the number one threat to water quality in the nation. In Tampa, every time it rains, pesticides, excess fertilizer, oils and detergents, lawn and street debris, and other pollutants drain into ditches, canals, and rivers, which then ultimately drain directly into Tampa Bay.
These newly painted storm drains will be visible reminders to the public that our neighborhoods and waterways are closely connected and need to be protected. They will also help to further beautify Robles Park.

Mosaic Subject/Being

Mosaic created for exhibit at Green Bench Breweing Company, curated by Mize gallery.

Lion Fish & Manta Ray Mosaic

Mosaic created for exhibit at USF College of Marine Science.

Inspiration came from the Art & Science Night. Artists explored marine science labs, did hands on experiments, and talked to local scientists about their work. The goal is to inspire artists to create a new piece of art, which is then showcased in an exhibit.

Red Thread Restaurant – Ghost Painter

Restaurant murals painted at Red Thread Restaurant, St. Petersburg, FL. Laura Spencer – Miss Crit – was lead artist on this project and designs are painted as instructed and designed by artist & client.

Mural Monday Art Jam – Tampa Florida

Live painting creates for the Mural Monday art jam in Tampa Florida with 11 artists participating and doing some live painting. Here is my contribution to the group.


12 muralists with @djqeys Middle of Downtown Tampa
The Tampa Walls! team collaborated with @visittampabay to produce an immersive installation that bay-area artists live-painted.

Artists created 6’ x 9’ murals:

Let’s Fly Logo & Illustration

Logo/illustration for LetsFly

My friend Mosco/Jorge asked me to do some logo/illustration for his upcoming brand. Also shown are some of the other concept drawings.

Mapana Music Logo

Mapana music is an awesome duo making great sounds outta Colombia.
Mr. Toé whom I also designed a logo for is half of Mapaná. @mrtoe_selva
I did this logo a while ago and forgot to post, based on the famous Quetzalcoatl sculpture/artifact.

Mr. Toé Logo

Logo design & Illustration for Mr. Toé from Colombia.

Prescrypto Graffiti Logo

Logo/illustration for @prescrypto

Graffiti based logo for Prescrypto where my cousin Everardo asked me to do some graff influenced logo/illustration.

Cheech Wizard – Rope5 Graffiti – Letterheadz 3 Exhibit.

Part of the 3rd annual Letterheadz show created & curated by @the_one_of_many_

This year everyone did letters on spray paint boxes, it was such a rad exhibit. It was awesome seeing everyone’s creativity using/incorporating the cardboard, plus so many SICK lettering styles.

I used a Montana black paint box and incorporated some elements into my design, plus the Cheech Wizard of which I am a huge fan & collector.

Gators Paradise Mural with Klone

Gators paradise
Painted with my friend @klonism

This mural was fun and cool to do some graff style characters, this one was fun but it was HOT sun all day on this wall.

Tampa Heights Collaboration Mural

New mural in Tampa in the Tampa Heights neighborhood, it was a pleasure collaborating with everyone on this wall. Salud!!!

13 local artists present: “INNER PEACE”. Artists have power, they can help lift your mood on a cloudy day when you see something colorful around the corner.. For the halfway point to Tampa Walls mural festival we wanted to keep the momentum going with this beautiful wall in @historictampaheights – a Tampa Walls mural school initiative.

Tampa Walls Mural School is a collaborative effort between local non-profits, Tampa Walls Mural Festival’s artist in residency programs with @mergeculture and artists in the @worldwidewalls network. This program was kickstarted by the friends and family of @manmademurals as a program of knowledge sharing in our communities to carry on legacy of artist Matt Callahan. We teach artists how to fund projects, hold classes for artists 12+ to learn mural and graffiti painting techniques from some of the best artists in the world.

This production was created with the help of 3 children ages 12+, 5 adult mural school participants, and 13 professional artists in our community, as well as a partnership with @historictampaheights neighborhood association, the Bob Gilbertson YMCA in Tampa Heights @centralcityy, and @changinglanesautogroup.


+ volunteers and mural school course participants.

Project supported by @centralcityy@tampa_regional_artists@hillsboroughfl
@changinglanesautogroup @historictampaheights @cafehey @worldwidewalls @symphonicdistro

Tampa Walls is supported by:
@thebarrymorehotel @symphonicdistro @engagecurrent @tampasdowntown @visittampabay

Black History Matters Mural – Letter R

It was an honor to participate in creating a mural for the community in St Petersburg Florida.
I painted the R in HISTORY, it is a tribute to the black Seminoles where many escaped slaves assimilated into the native tribe. Therefore creating a unique intersection of black, native and Florida history.
Located at the @woodsonmuseum and unveiled for the Juneteenth celebration.

20 local artists came together with support from @stpetefl and the Carter G. Woodson African American Museum to create an updated street mural on 9th Ave South.

B- @artist_esh
L- @jgascot
A- @painkillercamisyourdaddy
C- @cyrus.fire
K- @reda3sb
H- @waywardwalls
I- @miss_crit
S- @jujmo
T- @vonink14
O- @avacatoto
R- @r5imaging
Y- @uniquelyoriginalarts
M- @freestyletattooz
A- @vera_nye
T- @abstractpoet
T- @PVO_tattooshop
E- @artbyjamese
R- King David Lee Creations
S- @reidjenkinsart
Layout/Prep- @vitalebros

Special thanks to the artists, the City of St. Pete, the Woodson Museum, the St. Petersburg Arts Alliance and all the volunteers that showed up to help.

Children are the Seed – Mural – Puebla Mexico

New mural in La Loma Neighborhood in Puebla Mexico

The theme for this mural is children and their importance to humanity and the need for society to offer love and help in this world for the children’s future.

This mural embraces the notion of children as seeds for the future of humanity. Depicted is a little girl sprouting from a harvest field like a seed being born. This represents that children need to be nurtured, loved and cared for with a consistent dedication so that they may bloom like a harvest, therefore bearing fruit to a brighter future. The little girl is seen reaching out as she blooms and a helping hand is seen reaching in to provide help and care.
The little girl and hands are all painted in multiple skin tones to highlight the fact that as a society, we (all races) are responsible for helping and loving all children regardless of race color or circumstance. In each child is a seed with the possibility to manifest their existence in a positive and noble manner, therefore contributing the the benefit of humanity and our future in this world we must also nurture.

This mural was made possible by La Rueda Puebla (and Osel paints) which is a foundation dedicated to uplifting neighborhoods through murals and positive messages. They have been doing great work in the Puebla area of Mexico for over 6 years, and it was a pleasure and honor to be able to contribute this piece to the La Loma Neighborhood. The people of La loma embraced me and this mural fully and showed support by bringing me atole and tamales and memelas to eat and great vibes from all the eclectic characters of the neighborhood. The kindness and hospitality of La Loma was palpable and a gift I will never forget. This mural would not be possible without the continued assist from the good homie Sufre who worked with me every day making this mural happen. All the love & gratitude homie.


Gaze Within & Question Yourself Matching Paintings

Gaze WithinGouache & Gold Leaf on paper Part of the Future Ancestors solo show Question Yourself…

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R5 Creative Work

Bradenton Riverview 6 Public Art LED Sculpture

Bradenton Florida, Riverview6 Apartments – Mosaic background, tile dolphins, powder coated alu…

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R5 Jewelry necklaces for The Knocks

These are custom beaded necklaced made for my friends Mr JPatt & DJBroc form The Knocks. JPatt&#…

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Installations & Murals

Bradenton Riverview 6 Public Art LED Sculpture

Bradenton Florida, Riverview6 Apartments – Mosaic background, tile dolphins, powder coated alu…

More in Installations & Murals


MSRC Vessel & Barge Illustrations

Set of Illustrations created for Marine Spill Response Corporation of their 47 foot vessel, 65 foot …

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